Covid at Christmas

“Together Apart” is a personal paper-cut illustration which represents the unprecedented times we find ourselves in, in what will (hopefully) be a once in a lifetime Christmas. 

My snow-globe illustration reflects on the current Covid climate and how many young people (wether they’re students, have divorced parents, or due to living abroad – like yours truly…) won’t be able to see their family for long periods of time, and will therefore be separated during the holiday season.

The piece embodies what is in my mind the essence of the Christmas Spirit… being together with loved ones. Because if a year in lockdown has taught us anything, it is that food and presents really aren’t that important, but the one thing we can’t live without – is company! 

The paper illustration was made by hand, and is based on my own family. The concept was first sketched in pencil after which it was digitally designed in detail before being cut from a limited paper colour scheme and assembled to reveal the final multi-detailed, multi-layered paper illustration.

The making of:

For the full behind the scenes & development stages of the project, check my instagram: @annemarieke.kloosterhof

All rights reserved – Annemarieke Kloosterhof